
Multi-utility green living, Eurowindow Holding River Park scores the market

Company News

Company News

Multi-utility green living, Eurowindow Holding River Park scores the market


Your CV is about the experience you have gained, so the verbs in this part need to be in the past form.


You can use periods, commas, or nothing at the end of bullet points, but be consistent.

Use verb

CV refers to your achievements and experiences, so the verbs expressing this content must be in the past form.

"I led my team to achieve 120% of target last quarter" (I led my team to achieve 120% of the target last quarter).

Wrong terms for master's and bachelor's degrees

If you want to include your education on your CV, make sure you use the correct terminology.

For example, "master" is a master's degree, and "bachelor" is a bachelor's degree. The genitive in this case is "master's" and "bachelor's": "I obtained a master's/bachelor's degree from ..." or "bachelor of", " master of".

Using "master's of", "bachelor's of" and "masters of", "bachelors of" are both incorrect.

Your CV is about the experience you have gained, so the verbs in this part need to be in the past form.


You can use periods, commas, or nothing at the end of bullet points, but be consistent.

Use verb

CV refers to your achievements and experiences, so the verbs expressing this content must be in the past form.

"I led my team to achieve 120% of target last quarter" (I led my team to achieve 120% of the target last quarter).

Wrong terms for master's and bachelor's degrees

If you want to include your education on your CV, make sure you use the correct terminology.

For example, "master" is a master's degree, and "bachelor" is a bachelor's degree. The genitive in this case is "master's" and "bachelor's": "I obtained a master's/bachelor's degree from ..." or "bachelor of", " master of".

Using "master's of", "bachelor's of" and "masters of", "bachelors of" are both incorrect.

Gửi liên hệ

Trụ sở
Tầng 7, số 2 Tôn Thất Tùng, Phường Trung Tự, Quận Đống đa, Hà Nội

Điện thoại
84-4-37474700 | Ext: 2957
0982.299.222 | 0934.828.899 (Ms. Dang Nga)


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